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Showing posts from May, 2020

AWS EC2 Instance creation without Default Setting

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is the biggest player in cloud market. AWS is first cloud service provider and worldwide adopted. If has all the service and functionality which any organization think of. AWS also comes with lot of default configuration for user ease so that a common user can use it without having much IT Infra knowledge. However, lot of professional wants to create and configure AWS resource according to their design without go with default settings. Let’s go through all the component which requires to launch an AWS instance and try to understand each: As you log into you AWS portal you will get a Dashboard like below. You can see so many components and services which can make you little confuse right now. So let’s discuss few major components before creating an AWS Instance. AWS Global Infrastructure It’s not the service offerings we are talking about, but this is the actual infrastructure that construct AWS. AWS runs on it. Region is the Physical location in the worl...

Install WordPress on AWS Ubuntu EC2 Instance

Step By Step Installing WordPress on EC2 Ubuntu Server Creating a EC2 instance Note down the IPv4 Public IP Make sure to add Auth Key to insure successful session Click Yes and provide user name. In my case it is ‘ubuntu’ which is default by AWS. Once we are logged in, our first task to update apt source so that we can have updated packages and module. sudo apt update As WordPress is a web based application so our next tast is to install Apache Web Server . Install apache via below command. apt-get install apache2 –y Once installed you can verity it via typing hostname or IP on the web browser. It should get you Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page However WordPress needs other mandatory component as PHP, MySQL so combo of all these service environment is known as LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). We can install all these component one by one like Apache or directly via typing below command. apt-get install lamp-server^ Now it’s time to download latest version of WordPress. Let’s go...

Windows Power Shell

Windows Power Shell is a command-line shell and scripting language which is specifically designed for System Administration. Window Power Shell command. known as cmdlets, allow you to manage computer via  command line. Below are some commands which I used in regular basis in my journey as a System Administrator. Here I am trying to share some with you: Most of the time we got error to run command due to security policy so we have to enable Execution Policy Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted (Command to set Exception list in Security Policy) When we are talking about User Management , mostly we are dealing with task like creating, modifying or deleting user etc. Below are few command lest to help you out with this. Create a New Active Directory User New-ADUser -name Varun -path "OU=Delhi,DC=google,DC=com" -SamAccountName varun -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString " India@123 " -AsPlainText -Force) Modify Existing Active Directory User Set-ADUser -Identity Varun ...

Enable SSH on ESXi 6.X

Working on your VMware environment, we often needed remote access to your ESXi hosts. Accessing the ESXi Host via SSH offers administrators the ability to maintain, troubleshoot, and remediate issues by using a Secure Shell client such as PuTTY. As per the security concern, SSH is disabled by default. However, you can enable it for remote command execution in multiple ways. In this post, we will provide you a walk through the different processes of enabling SSH on VMware ESXi 6.5 hosts. Let's go through one by one! Enable via Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) Login in ESXi Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) and Press F2 Key. It will ask you for root credentials. Now go to System Customization screen and select Troubleshooting Options. Under Troubleshooting, go to Mode Option and choose Enable SSH . SSH will show now Enabled. Press Esc to go back to main menu. Enable via vSphere Web Client (Host) Log into the ESXi via the Web Client. It must be https://localhostname/UI. Log in ...